lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011


In the basic features of the product to develop or service to be provided includebusiness unit of measureit is time, kilo, pound, ton, which will also be the unit cost measure. List the inputs required to produce the product or service. (Physicalmaterials). If you produce more than 5 products, list them by product line and ahomogeneous unit costIf more than 3 inputs in this table includes only the 3 main inputsthe most expensive or required a greater amount, the rest include them asother indirect manufacturing costs.

The products offered on the market: Arequipa and soy cheese have many nutritional benefits because they are derived from soy. These benefits are due to their excellentprotein content, high content of essential fatty acids, numerous vitamins and minerals,health benefits to being a product of organic raw material and also this:

v Reduce the risk of certain cancers
v Reduces the symptoms of menopause
v Rica healthy soy protein
v Free of saturated fat
v Develops stronger bones
v Low cholesterol


It is a liquid obtained in the cheesemaking process, after the separation of the curd or micellar phase. Its characteristics correspond to a flowing liquid, greenish yellow, cloudy, fresh flavor, faintly sweet, acidic, with a nutrient content or solids content of5.5% to 7% from milk.
It is a by-product of cheese making that is distinguished by its high nutritional value.However, large quantities of this product are not used properly, and often dumped into nearby rivers to the production centers as part of factory effluents. The highbiological oxygen demand of the waste, estimated at between 30 and 50 000 parts per million (ppm), makes major sources of environmental pollution.
The serum was used as an ingredient in the preparation of fermented beverageswith a final acidity of 0.54%, and have been accepted by the consumer. High volume production of cheese whey in Cuba, the vitamin and mineral content of the product, the high content of lactose, low cost of collection, and limited industrial use, making possible its use as a substrate for the development of fermented beverages in our country, and justify, therefore, conducting relevant research.

In the manufacture of soy cheese product to get a soy milk curdle and the wheyresulting from 50.03 pounds of soybeans that are used daily, 52.5 liters of whey outdaily, weekly and 315 liters 1260 liters per month for this product .


Is a product that comes from previously cleaned soybeans, pearl, which comes toliquefy the extraction of soy milk, after this process continues to strain the milk andleaves a mass process is called bran, this bran represents the company you 300.18pounds daily of this product coming out of both the production of cheese as for the production of the caramel and resulting from 56.73 pounds of soybeans that are useddaily in the manufacture of our 2 products. In other values ​​represents 1801.08 weeklyand monthly pounds of bran 7204.32 the same product.


is a byproduct of good nutritional quality for fattening steers. The shell is released during the extraction of oil from the kernels.
Because of its high digestible fiber improves the digestive process of ruminantswhen they are fed with a high percentage of grain. It also provides crude protein at levels similar to alfalfa hay and wheat branThese qualities place it as an energy-protein food.
For the daily production of the caramel and cheese is used 56.73 pounds of soy a day, so that the hull was analyzed resulting from the soaking process of soybeans forproduction purposes, is reused in the extraction of soy milk therefore this product isreused and is dissolved in the bran.


The caramel produced comes from organic soy milk, which makes it more nutritiousand beneficial to the health of people who use it, for the same reasons it is advisablefor children during growth, athletes and even for adults who suffer from problems of appetite. This caramel is characterized by its sweet taste without being harassingwhich makes it different from traditional caramel is light brown and its texture issmooth and creamy.


The cheese is made from milk derived from organic soy. And this is low in saturated fat and no cholesterol. His consistency, color and odor are similar to the traditional cheese-white ie, its taste is pleasant to the palate with a smooth texture, the presentation is round. The tofu acts like a sponge in recipes, absorbing the flavor ofthe ingredients used. It is an excellent source of high quality vegetable protein.